Top typos and corrections

What is the definition of good_bye? (spelling fixed: goodbye)
What is the definition of cummulative? (spelling fixed: cumulative)
What is the definition of you_are_welcome? (spelling fixed: you're_welcome)
What is the definition of alot? (spelling fixed: allot)
What is the definition of dumbster? (spelling fixed: dumpster)
What is the definition of oportunity? (spelling fixed: opportunity)
What is the definition of blow_job? (spelling fixed: blowjob)
What is the definition of thankyou? (spelling fixed: thank_you)
What is the definition of your_welcome? (spelling fixed: you're_welcome)
What is the definition of wich? (spelling fixed: wish)
What is the definition of hola? (spelling fixed: holla)
What is the definition of oz? (spelling fixed: oz.)
What is the definition of ibid? (spelling fixed: ibid.)
What is the definition of goodmorning? (spelling fixed: good_morning)
What is the definition of etc? (spelling fixed: etc.)
What is the definition of creamated? (spelling fixed: cremate)
What is the definition of hallo? (spelling fixed: halloo)
What is the definition of prophetless? (spelling fixed: prophetess)
What is the definition of online? (spelling fixed: on-line)
What is the definition of dellusion? (spelling fixed: delusion)
What is the definition of adress? (spelling fixed: address)
What is the definition of wanna? (spelling fixed: want)
What is the definition of 22_caliber? (spelling fixed: .22_caliber)
What is the definition of 314159265358979323846? (spelling fixed: 3.14159265358979323846...)
What is the definition of awsome? (spelling fixed: awesome)
What is the definition of definately? (spelling fixed: definitely)
What is the definition of thru? (spelling fixed: through)
What is the definition of ltd? (spelling fixed: Ltd.)
What is the definition of touche? (spelling fixed: touch)
What is the definition of wierd? (spelling fixed: weird)
What is the definition of dr? (spelling fixed: Dr.)
What is the definition of vice-chairman? (spelling fixed: vice_chairman)
What is the definition of masterbate? (spelling fixed: masturbate)
What is the definition of viz? (spelling fixed: viz.)
What is the definition of thee? (spelling fixed: thee)
What is the definition of congradulations? (spelling fixed: congratulations)
What is the definition of seperate? (spelling fixed: separate)
What is the definition of assesment? (spelling fixed: assessment)
What is the definition of fourty? (spelling fixed: forty)
What is the definition of upheavel? (spelling fixed: upheaval)
What is the definition of overwelmed? (spelling fixed: overwhelmed)
What is the definition of accomodate? (spelling fixed: accommodate)
What is the definition of others? (spelling fixed: other)
What is the definition of persue? (spelling fixed: pursue)
What is the definition of usefull? (spelling fixed: usefully)
What is the definition of pasturized? (spelling fixed: pasteurized)
What is the definition of orgasim? (spelling fixed: orgasm)
What is the definition of belive? (spelling fixed: believe)
What is the definition of gonna? (spelling fixed: going)
What is the definition of ass_hole? (spelling fixed: asshole)
What is the definition of sweatpants? (spelling fixed: sweat_pants)
What is the definition of volte_face? (spelling fixed: volte-face)
What is the definition of qua? (spelling fixed: quay)
What is the definition of strenght? (spelling fixed: strength)
What is the definition of you're? (spelling fixed: you)
What is the definition of accomodation? (spelling fixed: accommodation)
What is the definition of beutiful? (spelling fixed: beautiful)
What is the definition of chode? (spelling fixed: chide)
What is the definition of beautifull? (spelling fixed: beautiful)
What is the definition of throught? (spelling fixed: throughout)
What is the definition of enviroment? (spelling fixed: environment)
What is the definition of legit? (spelling fixed: legitimate)
What is the definition of shih-? (spelling fixed: Shih)
What is the definition of sincerly? (spelling fixed: sincerely)
What is the definition of dilema? (spelling fixed: dilemma)
What is the definition of ld? (spelling fixed: Ld.)
What is the definition of sence? (spelling fixed: seance)
What is the definition of liason? (spelling fixed: liaison)
What is the definition of soulmate? (spelling fixed: soul_mate)
What is the definition of cemetary? (spelling fixed: cemetery)
What is the definition of truely? (spelling fixed: truly)
What is the definition of inconvience? (spelling fixed: inconvenience)
What is the definition of bailout? (spelling fixed: bail_out)
What is the definition of to_do? (spelling fixed: to-do)
What is the definition of nite? (spelling fixed: night)
What is the definition of convience? (spelling fixed: convince)
What is the definition of realy? (spelling fixed: really)
What is the definition of ib? (spelling fixed: ib.)
What is the definition of chicken_pox? (spelling fixed: chickenpox)
What is the definition of untill? (spelling fixed: until)
What is the definition of jelous? (spelling fixed: jealous)
What is the definition of potatoe? (spelling fixed: potato)
What is the definition of reneg? (spelling fixed: renege)
What is the definition of masterbation? (spelling fixed: masturbation)
What is the definition of fiesty? (spelling fixed: feisty)
What is the definition of lbf? (spelling fixed: lbf.)
What is the definition of apreciate? (spelling fixed: appreciate)
What is the definition of foward? (spelling fixed: forward)
What is the definition of doppelgnger? (spelling fixed: doppelgänger)
What is the definition of definetly? (spelling fixed: definitely)
What is the definition of resturant? (spelling fixed: restaurant)
What is the definition of zine? (spelling fixed: magazine)
What is the definition of portugues? (spelling fixed: Portuguese)
What is the definition of greatful? (spelling fixed: grateful)
What is the definition of tommorow? (spelling fixed: tomorrow)
What is the definition of supercede? (spelling fixed: supersede)
What is the definition of wheather? (spelling fixed: weather)
What is the definition of st_paul? (spelling fixed: St._Paul)
What is the definition of beatiful? (spelling fixed: beautiful)
What is the definition of poure? (spelling fixed: pore)
What is the definition of rediculous? (spelling fixed: ridiculous)
What is the definition of gall_bladder? (spelling fixed: gallbladder)
What is the definition of looking_forward? (spelling fixed: look_forward)
What is the definition of helo? (spelling fixed: hello)
What is the definition of conversate? (spelling fixed: conversant)
What is the definition of til? (spelling fixed: till)
What is the definition of embarassed? (spelling fixed: embarrassed)
What is the definition of doesn't? (spelling fixed: do)
What is the definition of concious? (spelling fixed: conscious)
What is the definition of vaccum? (spelling fixed: vacuum)
What is the definition of collegue? (spelling fixed: colleague)
What is the definition of definitly? (spelling fixed: definitely)
What is the definition of ecstacy? (spelling fixed: ecstasy)
What is the definition of persistant? (spelling fixed: persistent)
What is the definition of treshold? (spelling fixed: threshold)
What is the definition of embarass? (spelling fixed: embarrass)
What is the definition of oppertunity? (spelling fixed: opportunity)
What is the definition of shoestore? (spelling fixed: shoe_store)
What is the definition of roomate? (spelling fixed: roommate)
What is the definition of wonderfull? (spelling fixed: wonderful)
What is the definition of adament? (spelling fixed: adamant)
What is the definition of buisness? (spelling fixed: business)
What is the definition of hath? (spelling fixed: have)
What is the definition of canola? (spelling fixed: rapeseed)
What is the definition of ofcourse? (spelling fixed: of_course)
What is the definition of tomarrow? (spelling fixed: tomorrow)
What is the definition of st_johns? (spelling fixed: St._Johns)
What is the definition of st_francis? (spelling fixed: St._Francis)
What is the definition of ay? (spelling fixed: Aye)
What is the definition of pitty? (spelling fixed: pity)
What is the definition of douchebag? (spelling fixed: douche_bag)
What is the definition of appriciate? (spelling fixed: appreciate)
What is the definition of gorgous? (spelling fixed: gorgeous)
What is the definition of committment? (spelling fixed: commitment)
What is the definition of beleive? (spelling fixed: believe)
What is the definition of st_augustine? (spelling fixed: St._Augustine)
What is the definition of dignifield? (spelling fixed: dignified)
What is the definition of ser? (spelling fixed: seer)
What is the definition of profeshion? (spelling fixed: profession)
What is the definition of troubador? (spelling fixed: troubadour)
What is the definition of condesending? (spelling fixed: condescending)
What is the definition of develope? (spelling fixed: developer)
What is the definition of thelonious? (spelling fixed: thelonious_monk)
What is the definition of tomorow? (spelling fixed: tomorrow)
What is the definition of comming? (spelling fixed: coming)
What is the definition of retorical? (spelling fixed: rhetorical)
What is the definition of sucess? (spelling fixed: success)
What is the definition of tommorrow? (spelling fixed: tomorrow)
What is the definition of disapointed? (spelling fixed: disappointed)
What is the definition of kindergarden? (spelling fixed: kindergarten)
What is the definition of priviledge? (spelling fixed: privilege)
What is the definition of aw? (spelling fixed: awe)
What is the definition of withdrawl? (spelling fixed: withdrawal)
What is the definition of st_patrick? (spelling fixed: St._Patrick)
What is the definition of swin? (spelling fixed: swine)
What is the definition of agressive? (spelling fixed: aggressive)
What is the definition of icecream? (spelling fixed: ice_cream)
What is the definition of bonafide? (spelling fixed: bona_fide)
What is the definition of personel? (spelling fixed: personnel)
What is the definition of ninty? (spelling fixed: ninety)
What is the definition of squamous? (spelling fixed: squamous_cell)
What is the definition of athiest? (spelling fixed: atheist)
What is the definition of babysit? (spelling fixed: babysitter)
What is the definition of bussiness? (spelling fixed: business)
What is the definition of self_esteem? (spelling fixed: self-esteem)
What is the definition of independant? (spelling fixed: independent)
What is the definition of occurence? (spelling fixed: occurrence)
What is the definition of trubador? (spelling fixed: troubadour)
What is the definition of consistant? (spelling fixed: consistent)
What is the definition of good_looking? (spelling fixed: good-looking)
What is the definition of acarice? (spelling fixed: acaricide)
What is the definition of swaray? (spelling fixed: soiree)
What is the definition of hellow? (spelling fixed: hello)
What is the definition of hairdryer? (spelling fixed: hair_dryer)
What is the definition of writting? (spelling fixed: writing)
What is the definition of felatio? (spelling fixed: fellatio)
What is the definition of genious? (spelling fixed: genius)
What is the definition of acess? (spelling fixed: access)
What is the definition of oppurtunity? (spelling fixed: opportunity)
What is the definition of aproach? (spelling fixed: approach)
What is the definition of responsable? (spelling fixed: responsible)
What is the definition of carefull? (spelling fixed: careful)
What is the definition of judgemental? (spelling fixed: judgement)
What is the definition of embarassing? (spelling fixed: embarrassing)
What is the definition of bye_bye? (spelling fixed: bye-bye)
What is the definition of allright? (spelling fixed: alright)
What is the definition of congradulation? (spelling fixed: congratulation)
What is the definition of autorisation? (spelling fixed: authorisation)
What is the definition of dissapointed? (spelling fixed: disappointed)
What is the definition of fixe? (spelling fixed: fix)
What is the definition of portugese? (spelling fixed: Portuguese)
What is the definition of irresistable? (spelling fixed: irresistible)
What is the definition of jogg? (spelling fixed: jog)
What is the definition of stuborn? (spelling fixed: stubborn)
What is the definition of aquire? (spelling fixed: acquire)
What is the definition of compell? (spelling fixed: compel)
What is the definition of unfortunatly? (spelling fixed: unfortunately)
What is the definition of adultry? (spelling fixed: adultery)
What is the definition of adversarial? (spelling fixed: adversary)
What is the definition of althought? (spelling fixed: although)
