[ adverb ] continuing in the same way

Used in print

(Edward Austin Walton, "On Education for the Interior...)

It is only fair to demand that teachers of courses in English , history , psychology and_so_on be as well informed in matters of art , especially interior_design , as are the art_teachers educated in the academic subjects .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

Even the non church_members - the freewheelers , marginal religionists and_so_on - have the values of Christian civilization internalized in them .

(William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)

( 1 ) When an object was placed in the patient 's hand , he had no difficulty determining whether it was warm or cold , sharp or blunt , rough or smooth , flexible , soft , or hard ; and he could tell , simply by the feel of it , whether it was made of wood , iron , cloth , rubber , and_so_on .

Instead , he constantly became lost in parts and components of them , confused some of their details with those of neighboring objects , and_so_on , unless he allowed time to `` trace '' the object in_question through minute movements of the head and hands and in this way to discover its contours .

If , however , the figure to be discerned were complicated , composed of several interlocking subfigures , and_so_on , even the tracing process failed him , and he could not focus even relatively simple shapes among its parts .
