[ adverb ] with respect to its inherent nature


"this statement is interesting per se"

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

This does not mean that mythological language as_such can no_longer be used in theology and preaching .

(High Fidelity, 11:10...)

The engineering as_such never obtrudes_upon your consciousness .

(Harry H. Hull, "The Normal Forces and Their Ther...)

There is another means which should show the direction and relative value of the stresses in viscoelastic fluids that is not mentioned as_such in the literature , and that is the shape of the suspended drops of low viscosity fluids in shear fields .

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

It does not appear to affect the iodinating mechanism as_such .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

The common codes , for religious action as_such and in their ethical aspects for everyday moral behavior , bind the devotees together .

Related terms

intrinsic intrinsic
