[ adverb ] used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time


"So far he hasn't called" "the sun isn't up yet"

Used in print


In_a_sense , the showdown promised by Mr._Hammarskjold 's sudden and tragic death has been avoided ; no precedents have been set as_yet ; structurally , the U.N. is still fluid , vulnerable to the pressures that its new and enlarged membership are bringing_to_bear upon it .

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)

`` Eve was disobedient ; for she did not obey when as_yet she was a virgin .

And even as she , having indeed a husband , Adam , but being nevertheless as_yet a virgin , having become disobedient , was made the cause of death , both to herself and to the entire human_race ; so also did Mary , having a man betrothed [ to her ] , and being nevertheless a virgin , by yielding obedience , become the cause of salvation , both to herself and the whole human_race '' .

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

The precise mechanism for organification of iodine in the thyroid is not as_yet completely understood .

(Douglas Ashford, "Elections in Morocco: Progress...)

In the absence of a reservoir of political consensus each organized political group hopes that the elections will give them new prominence , but in a system where there is as_yet no place for the less prominent .
