[ adjective ] having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude


"adept in handicrafts" "an adept juggler" "an expert job" "a good mechanic" "a practiced marksman" "a proficient engineer" "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"

Used in print

(The Providence Journal...)

Just as exciting but in a more technically proficient way is Laura_Stuart , whose complete control of her every movement is lovely to watch .

(William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)

And the authors give numerous instances of calculated guessing on the patient 's part to show how large a role it played in his process of readapting himself and how proficient he became at it .

(Whit Masterson, Evil Come, Evil Go....)

The crime showed too much planning , the kidnappers appeared too proficient to be caught by a checklist .

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