thieving has definitions from the fields of law,criminal law
[ adjective ] given to thievery



Used in print

(Bell I. Wiley, "Home Letters of Johnny Reb and Billy...)

I think you made a dam good chouise to turn_off as nise a feler as Alf_dyer and let that orney thefin , drunkard , damed card_playing Sun_of_a_bich com to Sea you , the god_damed theaf and lop_yeard pigen_tode helion , he is too orney for hel .

In a similar vein , but writing from the opposite side , Thomas_Taylor , a private in the 6_th Alabama_Volunteers , in a letter to his wife , stated : `` You know that my heart is with you but I never could have been satisfied to have staid at home when my country is invaded by a thievin foe By a set of cowardly Skunks whose Motto is Booty .

(Breni James, Nights of the Kill....)

It had come as no great surprise to Matson that the hot water in the showers did n't work , that Loren_Severe had thrown_up all_over the stairs , or that some thieving bastard of a cop had walked_off with his cigarettes .

Related terms


[ noun ] (law,criminal law) the act of taking something from someone unlawfully


"the thieving is awful at Kennedy International"

Used in print

(John Dos Passos, Midcentury....)

It was responsible and sometimes dangerous work because the thieving is awful in the port of New_York .
