[ adjective ] of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section


"thin wire" "a thin chiffon blouse" "a thin book" "a thin layer of paint"

Used in print

(Bonnie Prudden, "The Dancer and the Gymnast"...)

After it has been seen , have the child start on a mat on hands and knees ( a thin , inexpensive mat is quite sufficient for anything that does not require falling ) .

(Richard F. McLaughlin, et al., "A study of the...)

The pulmonary_artery , in_addition to supplying the distal portion of the respiratory bronchiole , the alveolar duct , and the alveoli , continues on and directly supplies the thin pleura ( fig. 8 ) .

The pleura is extremely thin in type 2 , and septa are absent .

(J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)

The valves were normal except for thin yellow plaques on the inferior surface of the mitral leaflets .

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

And all this too shall pass_away : it came to him out of some dim corner of memory from a church_service when he was a boy - yes , in a white church with a thin spur steeple in the patriarchal Hudson_Valley , where a feeling of plenitude was normal in those English Dutch manors with their well-fed squires .

[ adjective ] lacking excess flesh




"you can't be too rich or too thin" "Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look"-Shakespeare

Used in print

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

The mouth was thin lipped and wide , the long cleft in the upper lip like a slide .

(Robert Penn Warren, Wilderness....)

He knew the faces of all , hairy or shaven , old or young , fat or thin , suffering or hardened , sad or gay , good or bad .

(Ann Hebson, The Lattimer Legend....)

The thin legs twitched convulsively once , then Kate felt the little body stiffening in her arms and heard one strangled sound .

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

It ran , this apocalyptic beast , on two thin legs , and its wings - were they feathered arms ?

(Leon Uris, Mila 8....)

His captain was thin and haggard and his beautiful boots were worn and shabby .

[ adjective ] very narrow




"a thin line across the page"

Used in print

(Frieda Arkin, "The Light of the Sea," in The...)

It was not as_though she noted clearly that her nephews had not been to see her for ten years , not since their last journey eastward to witness their Uncle_Izaak being lowered into the rocky soil ; that aside from due notification of certain major events in their lives ( two marriages , two births , one divorce ) , Christmas and Easter_cards of the traditional sort had been the only thin link she had with them through the widowed years .

(Philip Jos‚ Farmer, The Lovers....)

In southern Europe , between the Israeli Republics and the Icelandic_speaking peoples of northern Europe , was a thin but long stretch of territory called March .

(Richard Ferber, Bitter Valley....)

And he was handsome , despite the long thin scar that slanted across his cheek .

(Octavia Waldo, A Cup of the Sun....)

It was enough for people to know that at_one_time he had looked down the street at the fleshy suppleness of a woman he had consumed - watching her become thinner and thinner in the distance , as thin as the seams on her stockings , and still thinner .

It was enough for people to know that at_one_time he had looked down the street at the fleshy suppleness of a woman he had consumed - watching her become thinner and thinner in the distance , as thin as the seams on her stockings , and still thinner .

Related terms


[ adjective ] having little substance or significance


slight tenuous flimsy


"a flimsy excuse" "slight evidence" "a tenuous argument" "a thin plot"

Used in print

(A.L. Kroeber, "Semantic Contribution of Lexicostatistic...)

But the farther out he moves , the thinner will be his hold on conclusive evidence , and the larger the speculative component in his inferences .

(Frances and Richard Lockridge, Murder Has...)

Had Faith_Constable 's explanation of her confidence , so uninvited , been a_little thin ?

Related terms


[ verb ] lose thickness; become thin or thinner

Used in print

(Frieda Arkin, "The Light of the Sea," in The...)

His sandy hair was already beginning to thin and recede at the sides , and Abel looked quickly away .

Related terms

thicken change_state

[ adjective ] not dense




"a thin beard" "trees were sparse"

Used in print

(St. Louis Post-Dispatch,...)

The opinion continues here that with a 162 - game schedule , pitching spread thin through a 10 - team league and a most inviting target in Los_Angeles ' Wrigley_Field_Jr. , Mantle just might break the most glamorous record on the books , Babe_Ruth 's 60 homers of 1927 .

Related terms


[ adjective ] relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous


"air is thin at high altitudes" "a thin soup" "skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk" "thin oil"

[ adjective ] lacking spirit or sincere effort


"a thin smile"

Related terms


[ verb ] lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture


"cut bourbon"

[ adverb ] without viscosity




"the blood was flowing thin"

Related terms


[ adjective ] (of sound) lacking resonance or volume


"a thin feeble cry"

Related terms

full pale

[ verb ] make thin or thinner


"Thin the solution"

Related terms

thicken reduce adulterate draw

[ verb ] take off weight